Your Guide to Literary Road Trips Across America [Infographic]

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Road trips are at the heart of North American culture.

From the pioneers who chased the Gold Rush out west, to college students who take to the open road at the start of summer, cross-country road trips are a rite of passage.

It’s one of the beautiful things about this giant continent — anyone with a car can go anywhere!

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Hit The Open Road! Road Trip Tips For An Epic Adventure

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Have you been craving the feeling that comes when the city is finally in your rearview mirror and you have hit the open road in search of new experiences and epic adventures?


Well, you've come to the right place!

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Exploring The Slums of Mumbai, India [Video]

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

World traveler and filmmaker Jacob Laukaitis, recently spent five days living deep in the slums of Mumbai and documented the experience in an eye-opening film. (Check out my Q&A with Jacob to learn more about him here.)

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The Most Epic Road Trips in the World

by Lindsay Shapka in , , , ,

Road trips are one of the best ways to travel because you get to experience everything hands-on — the culture, the people, and the scenery of every place you visit (or pass through). Some of the best parts of a new place, that you would miss if you are rushing from place-to-place on a plane or train.

That’s why I love this awesome infographic guide to the longest roads (aka most epic road trips) in the world!

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10 Quotes By Paulo Coelho To Inspire Your Next Adventure

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

After reading only a few pages of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, I knew that I was hooked for life on the writing of this inspiring Brazilian novelist.

These are only a few of my favorite quotes, from some of his most popular books, that are sure to inspire you to take a risk on that next adventure!

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Your Guide To Staying Healthy While Traveling

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Staying healthy while traveling can be a challenge.

You are out of your comfort zone, away from your daily routine, and often nowhere near soap and water right when you need it.

Plus, you are in contact with A LOT of new people.

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GUEST POST: The 10 Best Cities To Visit In China

by Lindsay Shapka in , , , ,

China is a huge and diverse country, which can be overwhelming to travel through — especially if you have a limited timeframe or budget. There are cities full of skyscrapers and those will transport you back in time, but they all hold a uniqueness that will make you want to linger a little longer.

To help you plan your trip, I've narrowed down the huge list of cities in China to the ones that you absolutely must see as a first time (or repeat) visitor.

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