The Jjimjilbang Experience: Getting Naked With The Locals In South Korea

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

When I was first asked by some fellow foreigners in South Korea if I wanted to get naked in a public bathhouse and sauna on my first weekend in the country, I looked at them like they were nuts. 

Somehow though, they managed to talk me into it (I blame severe jet lag), and it was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. 

Found all over the country, in both large free-standing complexes or on the top few floors of high-rise buildings, the jjimjilbang or public bathhouse became one of my favourite spots, and one of the things that I miss most about living in South Korea.

Now, before we go any further, shake all the dirty, dark, or (ahem) inappropriate images of "bathhouses" out of your head. The South Korean jjimjilbang is the complete opposite, and is part of a tradition of ritualized bathing that can be traced back to ancient Egypt, to prehistoric cities that existed in the Indus River Valley, and to the Aegean civilizations — not to forget the Greeks, Romans, Eastern and Central Europeans, and Japanese.  

The bathhouses in South Korea are a cross between an aqua centre, a spa, and a theme park. They are gender-segregated because bathing suits of any kind are not permitted, though most have a unisex area where, after donning pajama-like T-shirts and shorts that are provided, you can meet up with members of the opposite sex. This area usually has a snack bar, a gym, TVs, Internet access, sleeping quarters (with bunk beds or floor mats — yes, you can actually spend the night there) and communal saunas. 

The interior of a communal salt sauna. You are supposed to sit in the salt and cover yourself in it to absorb it's purifying characteristics. (image source)

They are usually open 24 hours and have no time limit for how long you can spend in them (seriously, you could spend an entire weekend there for your single entry fee of around 10,000 won or $10 per person).

My visits to a jjimjilbang usually went like this: 

I would walk up to a bright front desk area fully staffed with friendly people who spoke zero English and looked at me like I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Holding up one finger I would say “Hana juseyo” (one please) and they would hand me my towels and key and charge me the entry fee. Shoes off, I would walk barefoot across the warm, heated floors and into the large locker room where my numbered key would open a corresponding locker. This is where I stored my bag and ALL of my clothes.

Don't get me wrong, this was TERRIFYING the first few times. 

Being stared at on the street, fully clothed was one thing (a tall white girl in a very homogenous South Korea stands out like a sore thumb), but the idea of being naked in a room full of other naked women who would be staring right at me — and at all of my bits — was horrifying. But, I was surprised to discover that for the most part they completely ignored me.  I know this is hard to believe, but I usually felt more self-conscious on the street fully clothed then I ever felt naked in a jjimjilbang

Once I had stripped off all my clothes, it was time to head into the pool area. 

But, before even thinking about getting into the steaming pools (which were emptied and cleaned once a day), protocol required that I hit the showers and completely scrub any trace of the outside world off of my body. I’m talking shampoo, condition, foam, wash, scrub, mask and anything else that I could think of to eradicate any dirt or dry skin. 

Alone at the jjimjilbang one night, I had just started my process of cleaning when I was startled to suddenly feel someone scrubbing my back. I quickly rinsed the soap out of my eyes and turned to find a small, grey haired ajumma (grandmother) smiling at me and holding a coarse yellow cloth. She had seen that I was alone and had come over to help me wash the parts of my body that I couldn’t reach myself. Over her shoulder I could see her family watching and also smiling as she motioned at me to turn back around. Korean families would often visit the bathhouse together, taking turns scrubbing each other's backs or washing each other's hair. After my initial shock had worn off, I shrugged, thanked her in Korean, turned back to the shower and continued to wash my hair while she scrubbed me raw from my shoulder blades to my tailbone.

A photo of the female pool area at the Hurshimchung Jjimjilbang in Busan, South Korea

No other feeling in the world compared with sinking into a pool after the scrubbing was complete. My skin would be tingly, and every muscle in my body would un-clench as mini waterfalls carrying scalding hot water would fill the air with steam. The pools came in all shapes, temperatures, and water types that when used in a certain order were supposed to help one attain a high level of ‘purification’. There was usually a pool lined with fragrant cedar, one filled with green tea, one scented with eucalyptus and a lavender scented one with violet colored water that made me feel like a member of the ancient royal family. Jumping into the glacial plunge pool was always a rush, but it usually made me feel like I was going to pass out and it always took me a few seconds, clinging onto the edge, to see straight. In one corner of the room strong jets shooting down from the ceiling gave a life changing back massage and through heavy glass doors a latticed outdoor area, open year round, had a cold bath, a hot bath and at night, a full view of the stars.

Once my fingers and toes had started to prune, I knew that it was time to take a break from the pools and I would make my way across the warm, womb-like room to the saunas. There were only a few of them in the segregated area, but all were scented with a different essential oil or herbs that were meant to aid in even further inner and outer cleansing. I would usually just lay on the floor, letting the heat weigh me down, and let my mind go blank. Time seemed to disappear on my visits to the jjimjilbang.

Leaving the saunas, I would spend my last few minutes recovering from the extreme heat by laying on one of the warm marble slabs that were scattered throughout the main room. My body would slowly cool down while I listened to the steady trickle of running water and the quiet chatter coming from the corner where women were getting massages. A board on the wall advertised the different services available, but because I couldn’t read hangeul, I never knew what they were. They ranged in price from 10,000 won to 30,000 won (between $10-$30) and from what I observed the most popular were either a bone crunching full body massage or allowing a serious looking women in mismatched lingerie to scrub you raw. Ok, so maybe it wasn't just the fact that I couldn't read the board — those women scared me a little.

My skin has never been so soft, and I have never been so relaxed as I was after visits to these incredible cultural spaces. Don't let your fear of being naked in a room of other naked people prevent you from missing out on this amazing experience — trust, me it's worth it.  

5 Things To See In The Marrakesh Medina

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Are you looking for things to do in Marrakesh? You've come to the right place!

In between getting lost in the maze of narrow streets bordered by red walls draped in vibrant, hand-dyed carpets, there are some incredible places to see and experience in Marrakesh! Here are five of my favourite spots. 

1. Djemma el-Fna

I had heard that Djemaa el-Fna, the gigantic main square in Marrakesh, was an open-air theatre full of action, entertainment and general hoopla, but words can not describe what was waiting for me when I wandered there one night as the sun was setting.

The chaos that greets you has been non-stop since the square was the site of public executions in AD 1050 (the name means "assembly of the dead"). It is such an incredible collision of Moroccan culture that UNESCO declared it a "Masterpiece of World Heritage" in 2001. 

A view of a portion of Djemaa el-Fna from a rooftop restaurant patio

Camera at the ready and all senses on alert, I walked past snake charmers right out of an Indiana Jones flick blasting oboes to calm hissing cobras, fully veiled female henna tattoo artists would suddenly appear beside pulling me towards their stools, and monkeys on leashes that sat obediently next to the feet of their owners.

Stalls piled high with figs and oranges were lit by hanging lights and seemingly out of nowhere, benches, tables, and cook-tops appeared where chefs were prepping fragrant traditional meals that would break the Ramadan fast for the day. (Apparently what I saw was tame compared to what occurs outside of the month of Ramadan.)

Surrounding restaurants open their rooftops to tourists — the perfect spot to enjoy the show! 

One of the many elaborate doorways at the Bahia Palace

2. Bahia Palace

This gorgeous, historic palace has floor-to-ceiling decoration that was begun in the 1860s by Vizier Si Moussa and then was completed between 1894 and 1900 by Vizier Abu 'Bou' Ahmed. It has been home to rulers, warlords and French colonizers, but now lies empty — other than the tourists that filter through daily, of course. 

The incredible pointed, gilded, and inlaid ceilings will have you looking up in the Grand and Petit Courts, but don't forget to look down at the incredible mosaic floors, and stunning doorways. There are multiple courtyards and rooms to stroll though, but no furniture remains. 

Though you can't visit the entire 8 hectares and 150 rooms, the opulent harem rooms are open to the public.. This is where Vizier Abu 'Bou' Ahmed kept his four wives and 24 concubines. 

The spectacular second floor rooms at Dar Si Said

3. Dar Si Said

Only a short walk away from the Bahia Palace (there are signs to help you navigate), this incredible structure showcases the city's riad architecture and is the home to a spectacular painted wedding-chamber dome.

It houses the Museum of Moroccan Arts, and has an incredible collection of historic artifacts from all over the country. 

Because it is located off the beaten path, it doesn't get the same amount of traffic that a lot of other sites get, but it is well worth a visit. Make sure not to miss the beautiful central garden! 

4. The Souq

I rarely get lost when I am in a different city. As long as I have a map with me, I can usually find my way out of a wrong turn pretty easily. In the souq (market) in Marrakesh however, I didn't stand a chance. I attempted to navigate the winding, twisting alleyways multiple times and each time ended up completely lost surrounded by carpets, cushions, lanterns, spices, and shoes. 

The colours, smells, and shiny objects overflowing from the stalls around me were only slightly more distracting than the shop owners calling out to get my attention in any way possible. 

It was a completely disorienting, adrenaline-pumping, five-sense engaging experience that I have never had in a market anywhere else in the world! 

5. Hammam

I encourage all visitors to Morocco to skip a tourist spa and experience a public hammam (public bathhouse). Entry fees are cheap — $3.00-5.00 — and all you need to bring is a towel! Soap is available to purchase if you want (I highly recommend it as it makes your skin really soft), but you are welcome to bring your own.

A typical entryway into a public hammam

Most locals strip down entirely, but you can leave your underwear on if that makes you more comfortable. You will then be taken to a big tile room with the other hammam-ers (don't worry, the sexes are separated), be given a pail to fill up with water, and you can then sit or stand and scrub yourself clean, rinsing as needed. 

Why not just have a shower at home, you ask? For the experience of course! Morocco is essentially a desert, and so public hammams are a way for locals to save water and money. AND, for just a few extra dollars you can pay to have a gommage (scrub) where one of the attendants will scrub you from head to toe — an AMAZING experience!! 

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Reads For The Road: "Turn Right At Machu Picchu" by Mark Adams

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Mark Adams' Turn Right At Machu Picchu is everything that I love in a book. It is a non-fiction, well-researched travel tale that contains entertaining characters (that are real people!), vivid descriptions and inspires me to be a better writer and go on more adventures! As you can imagine, I haven't found many books that fit that criterion. 

People used to be travelers Mark... Now they’re tourists. People want hotels, cafes, the Internet. They won’t even camp!
— excerpt from page 2 of "Turn Right At Machu Picchu"

Adams takes readers through his research and real-life experience on Machu Picchu and other Inca ruins, their rediscovery (and the controversy around who really "rediscovered" it), and what it really was (temple, summer home, tomb). He also recounts some fascinating stories that he is told by locals, and guides who have been exploring the region for years. 

It's funny, interesting, and just a really fantastic read. 

Travel Tips: Words You Should Know In The Local Lingo

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

The reality is that most of us who travel know one language really well — our own. Well there are exceptions out there, most of us only know the basics of one or two other languages (if we are lucky), and often have no clue how to speak the local lingo in the country we are travelling to. 

I have found that with an warm smile and some body language, you can communicate almost anything, but I do make a point of writing myself out a cheat sheet of useful words and basic phrases in the foreign language to carry around in my pocket. 

Here's my list of words and phrases that you should try and know in the local dialect (or at least have written out for quick reference) no matter where you are travelling.

  1. HELLO
    It is good practice to note the polite form of a greeting. This will show that you respect the person you are talking to and will (hopefully) make them a little more willing to help you out. For example, in Korean, you might say "annyeong" to someone you know well, but the polite form would be "annyeong haseyo".

  2. NO
    The easiest way to drive away a persistent street vendor, scam artist, or unwanted tour guide is to say a firm "no" to them in their own language.

  3. YES
    On the other hand, you will need to say "yes" if you want to accept help or answer a question.
    NOTE: Nodding and shaking your head will not work universally for "yes" and "no". In some countries it means the opposite, and in others it means something totally different.

  4. HOW MUCH?
    Very helpful when bartering in foreign markets. Though, you will also need a cheat sheet of numbers so you understand the answer. If you are too worried about memorizing numbers, have a pen and a piece of paper handy so you can barter on paper.

    I have found that just pointing at yourself and saying "English?" works too, but this is the more composed way to ask.

    Being polite will get you everywhere.

    Good to know for when you inevitably make a cultural blunder.

  8. CHEERS!
    It helps to know what to say when clanking glasses together at the local watering hole!

FOR PEOPLE WITH ALLERGIES: I don't have allergies, so have never had to worry about this, but if you do make sure that you have all the things that you are allergic to written out in the language of the place you will be visiting. You need to be able to hand it to anyone at a restaurant so that they understand exactly what you can't eat. 

ALSO: It is pretty important to know the words for "men" and "women" so that you are able to tell which bathroom to walk into. Not everyone uses pictures — trust me, I know. 

Well this list is not going to get you through every situation that arises, in my experience, it is all you need for initial encounters and to show that you are attempting to communicate in a language that is not your own. I find that even an attempt will warm people to you, and they will be more patient when you haul out the actual phrase book and try to have a more in depth conversation. 

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How Do You Wash Your Clothes When Travelling?

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

How you wash clothes when travelling depends on the type of trip you are taking and the access that you have to services. But, it is an important thing to take into consideration — nobody likes a smelly traveller! 

  1. Let's start with the most obvious: washing your clothes in a common washer/dryer yourself. Most cities and towns will have a laundromat that you are able to hang out in for a few hours to do a load or two. It is important to remember though, that dryers are not common in all laundromats in Europe and Asia, so you may have to find somewhere to air dry your clothing after you have washed it. This also only works if you have enough dirty items to fill a washer.

  2. If you are staying in a hotel or guesthouse, you will have the option to have them do your laundry for you. This option can range in price pretty drastically. At a higher-end hotel, you are guaranteed to be paying a hefty price for the convenience, while at inexpensive spots you will pay mere pennies for entire bags of clothing. For example, I paid $25 for a dress to be washed while at the Fairmont Hotel in Sonoma, California, and $5 to have a huge bag laundered at my hotel on Ko Pha Ngan in Thailand. Remember though, that when someone else is doing your laundry, there is a chance that it could be shrunk or damaged.

  3. The shower method is one that has worked for me many a times. Here's how it works. You take your dirty clothes in the shower with you. You wash them with your shampoo. You get out of the shower with your clothes. You hang them up to dry. Not very complicated, but not great if you are in a rush, or don't have anywhere to hang them.

  4. I usually end up hand washing one or two items (underwear, a shirt that has gotten a spot on it, etc.) in the sink at night, and they are usually dry by morning.

No matter where or how I'm travelling though, I always bring the following items with me: 

  • a shampoo size container of laundry soap for hand washing

  • yarn or thin rope to use as a clothes line if necessary (TIP: The bottom bunk in a hostel is the perfect spot to string up a clothes line for quick, overnight drying)

  • fragrant dryer sheets to keep your bag smelling fresh (also handy to put in shoes)

  • a large ziplock bag to hold smelly or wet clothes so they stay separate from the clean ones

Remember that if you are backpacking or travelling for a long time, you will need to bring clothes that will dry quickly, not get overly wrinkled, and wear well. (NOTE: That doesn't mean ugly, it just means that you shouldn't bring your favourite silk shirt and delicate lace shorts for a 7 month trip and expect them to last). Multiple washes will break down fabric pretty fast, and you don't want to have to keep replacing clothes that wear out quickly. 

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Visiting Cambodia: Monkeys, Temples & Khmer Rouge History

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

A trip to Cambodia can be pretty intense.

Monkeys run through ancient temples that seem to grow out of the jungle. There are no conventional traffic rules. In fact, sometimes it seem like there really aren't any rules at all — at least not the ones that we follow in North America. 

It isn't rare for an elephant to try and steal your lunch while you dine on an outdoor patio, and there are still land mines everywhere making it unsafe to wander off beaten paths. 

Khmer Rouge History

In order to make the most of any trip to Cambodia, you have to understand the not-so-pleasant history of the Khmer Rouge (aka why there are land mines everywhere).   

The Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia from 1975-1979, and was one of the most lethal regimes of the twentieth century. Through their methods of agrarian communism, they had the entire country working on collective farms, or forced labor projects, growing food that they were not allowed to eat and watching their families die around them.
The regime killed anyone in connection with the former government, professionals, intellectuals, anyone wearing glasses, non ‘pure’ Cambodians, homosexuals and people who had come from urban communities. They even regularly purged within their own organization. No one was safe under Khmer Rouge rule.
People were divided into two categories: the Old People who had grown up on farms and never left them for the big cities, and the New People who they ruled using the motto “To keep you is no benefit. To destroy you is no loss”.

After four bloody years in power, they were removed in 1979 by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

More than 2 million people were killed. 2 million. There is no exact number yet. They are still counting the dead.

Pol Pot, Brother Number 1 (the leader of the Khmer Rouge), died on April 15, 1998 and was never put on trial.

In 1997, Cambodia appealed to the UN to set up a genocide tribunal, but it wasn’t until 9 years later, when many high ranking officials were dying of old age, that it actually came into being. In 2007, Nuon Chea, Brother Number 2, was taken into custody for “alleged crimes against humanity”.

The country is now in the midst of rebuilding itself socially, economically and most importantly, psychologically. Like many countries in South East Asia, Cambodia is turning to tourism as a financial way to rebuild their nation, and it seems to be working.

Spots To See


The temples at Angkor make up the largest freestanding religious complex in the world, and are visited by thousands of people every year by boat, plane, bus, car and tuk-tuk. There is nothing like walking through a ruined temple being both held together and torn apart by the jungle growing on, over and through its walls. At the end of the day monkeys run by as the air cools, and monks in saffron robes walk slowly and thoughtfully down the ancient stone corridors. It is definitely a sight to see, and one of the most incredible spots I have ever travelled to.

But, there are other things to see in Cambodia too! 

The Mekong River is one of the largest in the world and is the home of some of the world’s only freshwater dolphins and floating villages that are a photographers dream.

Phnom Pen is a mecca of colorful markets selling clothing, fabric, shoes, jewellery and anything else you can imagine (and things that you can’t) for pocket change.

A trip to Cambodia could not be complete without a trip to the beach! Shianokville is the main beach town with great access and wide range of accommodation. The sand is white and the water is the perfect temperature. It shares its coast with Thailand, and the beaches are much the same, but underdeveloped. 

Other (more serious, yet important) attractions draw attention to the Khmer Rouge era.  

The Tuol Sleng Museum sits innocently amongst narrow side streets, apartment buildings and houses. Once a high school, it was converted into the largest centre of detention and torture in Cambodia. Named Security Prison 21 (S-21), it now houses a collection of photos of the both inmates, and floors of cells that have been left relatively untouched. Photos of Khmer Rouge leaders are also on display covered in graffiti, with cigarette burns for eyes. The space on the wall where the photo of Pol Pot should be lies empty. The photo was stolen and no one bothered to (or wanted to) replace it. 

The Killing Fields, located just outside the city, are an unexpectedly small area that is covered in lush green grass. A massive glass pagoda stands at the entrance, piled high with skulls, femurs and other bones of the dead. The fields themselves are just that — fields. Crude signs mark the mass graves, listing the number of dead that have been found there. But not everyone has been removed. Bones protrude from pits and pathways, and the clothes of the dead become visible as the ground erodes away.

No matter where you go in Cambodia, one thing stays consistent, the children. They are everywhere. They surround you at the temples trying to sell you anything and everything in perfect English. They flirt like adults and they are so confident and straightforward, that sometimes it is only their size that can remind you that they really are children. They walk the streets hanging off your arms, looking up at you with big brown eyes, begging for food, money or anything. They are heartbreakingly cute. 
Whatever you do though, don't give them money. It won't help.  

There are few places in the world that truly surpass expectations, and Cambodia blew all of mine out of the water. I felt all my senses heightened when I was there, and found the adventure exhilarating. I hope you feel the same way — happy travels! 

Travel Quotes To Inspire Your Next Adventure

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

“Creativity is not a competition.”
—Autumn Sky Hall

“The cost of not following your dream, your heart, or your gut, is spending the rest of your life wishing that you had.”

“To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, to gain all while you give, to roam the roads of lands remote, to travel is to live.”
—Hans Christian Anderson

“If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.”
—Seth Godin

“Above all, try something.”
—Franklin D. Roosevelt

Good things come to those who book flights.
— Unknown

“the earth has music for those who listen”

“One of the great things about travel is that you find out how many good, kind people there are”
—Edith Wharton

“If you look like your passport photo, you probably need the trip.”

“I can’t think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything. Suddenly you are five years old again. You can’t read anything, you have only the most rudimentary sense of how things work, you can’t even reliably cross a street without endangering your life. Your whole existence becomes a series of interesting guesses.”
—Bill Bryson, “Neither Here Nor There: Travels in Europe”

“Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.”

“Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.”
—Asian Proverb

“If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet.”
—Rachel Wolchin

“My favourite thing is to go where I’ve never been.”

"Go out in the woods, go out. If you don’t go out in the woods nothing will ever happen and your life will never begin."
—Clarissa Pinkola Estes

“The Bhagavad Gita—that ancient Indian Yogic text—says that it is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.”
—Elizabeth Gilbert from Eat, Prey, Love

“It’s bad manners to keep an adventure waiting.”

“After all, one travels in order for things to happen and change; otherwise you might as well stay at home.”
—Nicolas Bouvier

“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.”
—Mary Anne Radmacher