What You Need To Know About Thailand's Official Year of Mourning

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

On October 13, 2016, Thailand's beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej passed away at the age of 88. The government immediately declared that the country would be in a year of mourning, with the first 30 days (until around November 13, 2016) being especially somber. Thai's are expected to wear black and refrain from participating in any celebrations or festivals during that time.

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The Best Travel Quotes From Around The World

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

"Travel today is ticking things off: ‘Whew, I’ve done Machu Picchu, now I can get drunk.’ It used to take three weeks to get people in the right frame of mind, to un-brainwash them. Now it would take three months to get people’s heads straightened out… It’s a real problem now—people don’t know how to enjoy life. They want hedonism, short-term thrills."
—from Chapter 28: When It Rains in “Turn Right At Machu Picchu” by Mark Adams

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How To Survive a Bear Attack

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Your chance of actually encountering a bear, even in the North American backcountry, is incredibly slim, and the best way to survive an attack is to avoid an encounter all together.

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6 Items I Pack For Every Trip (And You Should Too!)

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

No matter where you are headed, or how long you are planning on travelling for, these must-pack items will make your next trip a lot more enjoyable!

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What's The High Line In New York City and Why Should You Visit It?

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

It's often Instagram-ed and on every "must see" list for New York City, but what is the High Line in Chelsea in New York City? And, is it really worth visiting?

Let's start with a bit of history...

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Reads For The Road: "The Road To Little Dribbling" by Bill Bryson

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Despite all the time that I spend in the Travel section of the bookstore, I have never actually read anything by Bill Bryson.

Crazy, right?!

What made me pick up one of his books now?

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