The Life and Work of Celebrated Canadian Artist Alex Janvier

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Alex Janvier may be a prolific and significant Canadian Indigenous Artist, but there are no teepees, totem poles, or feathered headdresses in his portfolio.

His impressive 50-year artistic career and his contribution to the art world caused him to receive the Governor General Award in 2008, but there was once a time when the Canadian government was ready to hinder, rather than help, the progression of his career.

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15 Line Drawings of Beautiful Women You Need In Your Life

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

There is something about the simplicity of line drawings that I find beautiful, and nothing is more beautiful than a line drawing of a woman — whether it is of her profile while she is deep in thought, the curves of her back after a bath, or her smile when she is looking right at you.

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The Work of Damian and Ron Moppett: The Artist Studio as Art Itself

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

For the first time Canadian artists Ron and Damian Moppett (father and son) are exhibiting selections from their vast collection of work together at the Art Gallery of Alberta. This unique show explores the similarity in their artistic practices and the different approaches that they use to interpret the subject of the artists's studio.

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Artist Chris Cran's Fascinating Paintings of Modern History

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Award-winning Canadian artist Chris Cran has his work displayed in private and public collections all over the world, and it's easy to see why.

His painted work — which he has been creating prolifically for the last 40 years — takes traditional art genres and turns them on their head. Still-life, portraiture and landscape works suddenly become oversized, avant-garde works of brilliance.

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Artist Douglas Coupland Creates A 3D Portrait of Canadians

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

I recently had the opportunity to meet author and artist Douglas Coupland and participate in a huge art project that he is undertaking.

Coupland is often attributed with popularizing the term "Generation X", which was also the title of his first novel. He is a prolific writer, and on top of writing books, contributes to Vice regularly.

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Eight Photos Showcasing 90 Years Of Art In Alberta, Canada

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

The Art Gallery of Alberta is one of the oldest art galleries in Canada and celebrated its 90th birthday with the exhibit 90x90 featuring 90 pieces by 90 different Albertan artists created between 1924-2014.

I was lucky enough to preview the exhibit and was completely blown away by the work on display.

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Creative Personality: An Interview With Artist Malorie Shmyr

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

After just one visit to it is obvious that this talented creative director, fine artist and 3D modeler is something special.

The last couple of years have brought a world of success for this Edmonton, Alberta-based talent whose whimsical view of the world has been translated in movies, on the runway, on canvas, in print, and in photographs. I have had the honour of knowing Malorie for many years now and have had the pleasure of interviewing her to get some insight into the life and mind of a working artist.

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