What's So Special About The Mona Lisa? The Real Story Behind da Vinci's Famous Painting

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

When my sister recently came home from a trip to Paris she seemed impressed with everything that she had seen — except for the Mona Lisa.

One of the most recognized works of art in the world, reproductions of it usually come in poster sized prints while the original, hung behind thick, bullet proof glass and guarded by a velvet rope is miniature in comparison. 

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Your Guide To The Berlin Wall's East Side Gallery

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

The Berlin Wall cut through the center of Berlin from August of 1961 to November of 1989, separating the Soviet Union from Western powers. More than just a wall though, it was a complex military system that rose more than 12 feet high and had 302 towers, 12,000 guards and countless kilometers of barbed wire.

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Creative Personality: An Interview With Artist Malorie Shmyr

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

After just one visit to malorieshmyr.com it is obvious that this talented creative director, fine artist and 3D modeler is something special.

The last couple of years have brought a world of success for this Edmonton, Alberta-based talent whose whimsical view of the world has been translated in movies, on the runway, on canvas, in print, and in photographs. I have had the honour of knowing Malorie for many years now and have had the pleasure of interviewing her to get some insight into the life and mind of a working artist.

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"642 Things To Write About" by The San Francisco Writers' Grotto

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Write a short story that is set in Argentina in 1932, in which a teacup plays a crucial role. Describe the greatness of sandwiches. You are a pirate — describe your perfect day. What is a character holding a blue object thinking right now? Write ten new cheers for a high school cheerleading squad.

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Ancient Art: The History of the North American Totem Pole

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Imagine that you are one of the first explorers to North America’s West Coast.

It’s early morning, and after a paddle through the still ocean water, you have docked your canoe on a grey pebble beach. The sun has yet to pierce through the thick fog, and you can see your breath in the crisp air.

There is not a soul in sight.

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Sigmund Freud's Surreal Influence On Art

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

When Sigmund Freud started writing and teaching about the importance of exploring memory and the unconscious mind, he intended to revolutionize the medical world, not the art world.

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Artist Profile: Canadian Aboriginal Sculptor Stewart Steinhauer

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

According to Canadian Stewart Steinhauer, though he makes his living creating beautiful stone sculptures, he is not an artist but simply someone who “inadvertently makes stuff.”

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