Analyzing The Signatures of 12 Famous Artist [Infographic]

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Humans have long been fascinated by personality traits and categories. Myers-Briggs, enneagrams, DISC assessments, love languages, the list goes on and on.

Though most of these personality quizzes have only become popular in the past decade or so, the study of handwriting analysis — also known as graphology — has been around for nearly 200 years! Who could forget Sherlock Holmes’s ability to identify the killer’s identity based on a scrap of paper with their handwriting?

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Unfinished Masterpieces and Their Intriguing Pasts [Infographic]

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Unfinished artworks give off an aura of mystery. Were the works left incomplete by accident, or was it an intentional choice on the part of the artist?

Some of the most enigmatic and beautiful art — both for its unique aesthetic and intriguing historical context — is that which was left unfinished.

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Is Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling at The Vatican Under Threat?

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

The Sistine Chapel recently celebrated its 500th Birthday and, along with a huge party, it also got a warning — it may soon have only a limited amount of visitors.

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