"642 Things To Write About" by The San Francisco Writers' Grotto

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Write a short story that is set in Argentina in 1932, in which a teacup plays a crucial role. Describe the greatness of sandwiches. You are a pirate — describe your perfect day. What is a character holding a blue object thinking right now? Write ten new cheers for a high school cheerleading squad. 

Ever get the dreaded “writer’s block”? Looking for inspiration? Want to write but just never have the time?

I know that this isn’t a conventional book to throw on a book list, but even those that deem themselves the “worst writers”, will get a kick out of 642 Things To Write About

Packed full of witty, outrageous (aka inappropriate), and thought-provoking writing prompts, you can open to any page and be sure to find literary inspiration.

The coolest part? The book was written in A SINGLE DAY! A single-24 hour period with NO advance notice. 

Go get your write on! 

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