The World's Most Impactful Books To Add To Your Reading List

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Words ignite ideas, and they breathe life into the world.

Those same words come together, and with a stroke of a pen, they bring people books. Books have a lasting impact because they spread remarkable thoughts like wildfire. People read them, and their impact is spread all over the globe.

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Quiz: Which Book Should I Read Next?

by Lindsay Shapka in , , , ,

Is your New Year's resolution to read more? Are you looking for something interesting to read on your next trip? Or, have you just finished a book and want to try something new?

Take our quiz below to see which book you should read next!

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Reads For The Road: "The Witches of New York" by Ami McKay

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

This is one of those books that weaves you into its spell and has such interesting and dynamic characters that you are heartbroken when the story ends because you so badly want to continue to be a part of their lives.

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Reads For The Road: "The Improbability of Love" by Hannah Rothschild

by Lindsay Shapka in , , , ,

When Annie finds and purchases a small, dingy painting hiding in the corner of a junky antique shop, she has no idea that it is about to expose her to some of Europe's darkest secrets — if you are hunting for the perfect beach read that is smart, entertaining, and well-written I've found it!

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Reads For The Road: "The Social Life of Ink" by Ted Bishop

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

I don't know about you, but I am one of those people who always has at least one pen rolling around in the bottom of my bag. Even though I rarely take notes during interviews anymore (thinks voice recorder), and use the note function on my phone when needing to jot things down quickly, I still hold out hope that I'm going to have time to actually sit down, pull out a notebook, and put pen to paper.

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