10 Ways To Be Like A New Yorker On The Streets Of NYC

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Are you planning your first trip to NYC? You are in for a treat — there is a reason this is known as the city that never sleeps. There is a neverending list of things to do, experience, and explore.

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How Insulting! Common Gestures That Mean Different Things in Different Countries

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

You have mastered the basics of the spoken language, have appropriate clothing, and have the latest Lonely Planet tucked safely in your bag. You are ready for all that experiencing a new culture will bring — or are you…

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The Eruv Wire: Did You Know That There's An Invisible Wire Hanging Above Manhattan?

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Nope, that web of wires you might notice above your head while wandering through Manhattan are not all for carrying electricity.

There are actually 18 miles(!) of translucent wire that run throughout the borough called an eruv. The eruv (or eruvin) is there because of the Jewish Sabbath. A day of rest in the Jewish tradition, people observing the Sabbath aren't permitted to do any sort of work in public places, which includes carrying things like groceries, laundry, or books.

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The 20 Most Popular Posts of 2020

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Saying that it has been an interesting year is an understatement — 2020 has brought on changes to the way we live that could have never been predicted.

We stayed home, started working from the couch, and stopped traveling.

But, we also have had the opportunity to find new ways to connect with people we love, get a little perspective on what really matters, and read more than ever before.

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12 Motivational Quotes To Inspire You to Do That "Thing" You Can't Stop Thinking About

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

Are you in need of a positive motivational quote, quip, or saying to inspire you to take that next step?

You’ve come to the right place!

These 12 quotes are some of my favourite from writers, celebrities, scientists, and more that seem to resonate. It’s amazing how a few simple words can be all you need to kick-start your next adventure!

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Hawaii 101: What is the meaning of Ti Leaves to Hawaiians?

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

On my last visit to Oahu, I ended up at a University Men’s Volleyball Game and, before sitting down, was handed a long, slim green leaf. I was told it was a “Ti Leaf” and I was supposed to use it to cheer for the team.

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