13 Travel Quotes to Feed Your Wanderlust

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

I have always loved quotes — those one or two sentences that can shift your perspective, inspire you to say yes to an adventure, or pull you out of a funk.

These are some of my favorite travel quotes by writers, travellers, fictional characters, and people who just had something inspiring to say.

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10 Travel Quotes That Will Inspire You To Explore The World

by Lindsay Shapka in , , , , ,

There's nothing like a good travel quote to inspire you to pack your bags and take off on an adventure!

I am a sucker for quotes of any kind, and you can usually find me with a pen in hand when I'm reading ready to underline a favourite quote or jot it down to reference later. It's amazing the power that one or two sentences can hold when you need a little inspiration.

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