Common Tourist Scams To Watch Out For On Your Next Trip

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Tourists make the perfect mark for a scam artist. We are disoriented, don't know the language, are wide eyed, and are distracted by the new world that we have found ourselves in.

I have been approached by people all over the world who, while they seem kind, are actually out to relieve me of my wallet or other valuables.

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Traveling By Plane? Here's What Not To Do

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

There are a lot of posts out there about how to survive a long flight and things that you should do, but these are the most important things NOT TO DO in order to enjoy (and not annoy fellow passengers) on your next plane trip.

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12 Top Tips For Solo Travelers

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

I'll be the first to admit that traveling alone for the first time can be scary (in fact, I wrote a blog about it). What happens if you get lost? What if you look like a fool? What if you can't communicate with anyone? Will people think you're a loser if you eat alone? And what do you do if you get lonely?

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Everything You Want To Know About Teaching English As A Second Language

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Being an English Teacher in South Korea was one of the most challenging, educational, and incredible experiences that I have ever had.

I lived and worked in the country as an English teacher for just over a year, and since I've come home, I have gotten countless questions from family, friends, and friends of friends about the experience and how they can do it too.

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You Don't Have To Quit Your Job To Travel The World!

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

You don't need months of spare time and huge amounts of money to see the world. Really, I promise!

I've been to 27 countries and 4 continents (and counting!), and TRUST ME, I am definitely NOT made of money or time.

There are lots of different ways to travel long term, or short term, while on a budget and still have unforgettable experiences. You don't need a trust fund to go to Europe and you don't need three months to enjoy an adventure in Cambodia — really!

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Not A Gambler? Here Are 8 Things To Do In Vegas If You Don’t Like Gambling

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Las Vegas is a magical place. The lights are always sparkling, nothing closes, there are no clocks anywhere, sequins is welcome day or night, free drinks abound, superstars grace multiple stages nightly — anything seems possible. It’s a Disneyland for grownups.

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