Travel Tips: The Best Games to Play on Long Travel Days (these are also great Icebreakers!)

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

There is, surprisingly, a lot of downtime when you travel.

There are those long train and bus rides, cramped flights, and hours after the sun goes down and the sights are closed, but you are not yet ready for bed.

What do you do to fill this time?

Well, there are the usual things — reading, writing, listening to music, watching that movie you put on your iPod for the millionth time. But, my favourite thing to do (and a great way to make new travel friends) is by playing a game that forces you to chat with the person across from you in the train or on the other side of the bar.

My first game suggestion, Would You Rather, is one that I am sure many of you have heard of (there are board games made out of it now), but things can get a bit crazy when you are on the road and forced to come up with (often inappropriate) questions of your own. I was introduced to this game in Italy, on a train from Venice to Rome, by a group of Aussies sitting across from me.

The first question they asked me was: “Would you rather have to wear a cardigan for the rest of your life OR listen to the annoying song by The Cardigans EVERY time a song was playing?”

Now, you may have an instant reaction to one choice or the other, but here is where the fun of this game comes in — asking questions.

Will it mean that if you get married you have to wear a cardigan over your wedding dress? Would you have to wear it swimming? Would the song come on in every bar you went to and just play over and over?

See, it's not as easy as you might think, and what the game really comes down to is that no matter which option you choose, they both suck! It took me about 20 minutes to answer the cardigan question alone (clearly a great way to pass the time) and, as you can imagine, they only got more complicated from there. One of those Aussie guys from that train and I kept in touch for years, emailing ridiculous Would You Rather questions to each other from opposite sides of the world!

I was introduced to another fun meet-people-travel-game while in a bar in Vietnam.

My friend and I had just grabbed a drink and were sitting together, hoping the half empty place we were in would fill up and become more of a party than it was at that moment. We had only been in the country for a few days and had left the people that we had met behind in Hanoi the night before, so we were in the mood to make some new friends.

As we were finishing our first drinks, a guy came and sat down at our table with us and said in an Australian accent; “Don’t say anything.” Then pointing at my friend he said; “You are Irish,” and then turning to me, “and you are from Denmark. Right?!”

We both laughed and said no, we were from Canada. As soon as he heard our voices he cringed and yelled over our heads, “They’re Canadians, we were all wrong!” Turning around, we noticed a group people standing over in the corner laughing.

Apparently, they were playing a game where they would pick a person in the bar, and make bets on where the person was from just by looking at them. You were not permitted to leave the group (at the risk of getting close enough to hear them talking) until all bets were made, and then someone was nominated to go and guess where they were from to their face.

The game had started with just two guys and by the time we joined to play, they had gathered three more. By the end of the night we had a group of about ten and ended up travelling together for the rest of our time in Vietnam, picking up people as we went thanks to our nationality guessing game. Best icebreaker ever!

What sorts of games to you play to fill the time on your adventures? Do you have any good Would You Rathers for me?

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Why Travel Friendships are Friendships On Steroids

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

A wise friend and fellow traveller once told me that "Friendships made while travelling are like friendships on steroids" — I couldn't agree more!  

Meeting someone when you are both completely out of your comfort zone, and thrown into an adrenaline pumping situation where you are both vibrating at the same level, at the same time, is a completely unique situation.

Add to that the fact that you are in the same mode as everyone around you — meaning that you are all focused on where you've been, where you are going, what to see, what to eat, and what to drink to get the most out of your experience. No one is stressed about meeting a deadline, impressing the boss, or their five-year plan. It is all about the moment — and everyone you meet is living in it. 

But, I have to say, that my all time favourite thing about travelling is the idea that you can start all over again whenever you want. Example: Drink too much one night and act like a fool? Jump on a train in the morning and head to a new town where nobody knows your name! (not that I have any experience in that... )  

This also gives you the freedom to be one hundred percent yourself all the time. To lay it ALL out there, because if someone doesn't like the real you, then you never have to see them again. But, if they do like this real you, then you have potentially made a life-long friend who knows you better than most people who have known you for years. 

I have some fantastic people in my life due to fast-friendships made on the tourist trail and hope to make many more in the future!

Cheers to friendships on steroids!  

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5 Important Questions To Ask A Potential Travel Buddy

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

Trust me, travelling can test ANY relationship.

Whether you are planning on travelling with your boyfriend, best friend, sister, father, or a new acquaintance, there are a few questions pre-travel that you must ask any potential travel buddy to make sure you both have an amazing trip.

1. What is your budget? How much do you want to spend on food, fun, etc...?

You need to know that you are on the same page in terms of what you are going to spend during your trip. If you are planning on travelling on a shoestring and eating from markets or street vendors while your travel buddy is expecting to have restaurant meals three times a day, there will be more than a few problems. 

2. Do you prefer to plan in advance or are you someone who likes just winging it?

If you need to have your days scheduled, and stick to the schedule, in order to have a good time, then you need a travel buddy who will be the same. On the other hand, if you are someone who likes to just wander and see where the day takes you, having a buddy who wants a strict schedule will cause a lot of conflict. You need to know if you are compatible or at least willing to strike a balance in how you plan to spend your days. 

3. Do you prefer that we spend all our time together, or are you comfortable with us separating to do our own thing every once and awhile?

To me, this is the most important question. I enjoy doing things when I travel that not everyone likes to do — I'll hike to the top of a mountain on a sweltering hot day just to catch a glimpse of an ancient library located at the top or spend hours wandering through an art gallery. And I want to be able to do those things without having to worry that the person I am with is enjoying themselves too.

Sometimes the easiest thing to do is to split up for a day, an afternoon, or even just a few hours, so that you can both have an experience that the other person wouldn't enjoy. But, you need to know that your travel buddy is up for that and that there will be no hard feelings either way. 

4. What type of accommodation are you picturing? Hostels? Campgrounds? B&Bs? Hotels?

Not only the type of accommodation, but the area of the city you are wanting to stay in is also important. (Prices tend to get higher the closer to the centre of a city you get — though that's not always true if you are willing to stay in hostels).

Are you both okay with the co-ed room in a hostel dorm? Are you looking for a room for two at a B&B? Or, are you both wanting your own room at a hotel? Make sure you know where you are both expecting to lay your head before packing your bags! 

5. What activities or attractions are an absolute must-see for you and what are you flexible about?

You are headed to New York and you will give a limb to get to the top of the Empire State Building — even if you have to stand in line for the entire day.

Your travel buddy needs to know that, because if that isn't on their to-do list, this could lead to an argument. When I am headed on a trip, I always let my travel buddy know what my must-do things are and if hers/his matches up then we do them together. If not, see #3 above.