Your Ultimate Guide To The Best Places To Travel In 2017

by Lindsay Shapka in , , , ,

Are you wondering where to go on holiday this year? Need some insight into the top travel destinations? You've come to the right place!

Everyone seems to put out a "Best Spots to Travel" list every year, so to make things easy for you, I've put together a master list with the Top 3 spots from the following lists: National Geographic's "Best Trips 2017", Travel and Leisure's "Best Places to Travel in 2017", Fodor's "No List 2017", Lonely Planet's "Best In Travel 2017", and Conde Nast's "Best Places to Travel in 2017."

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What You Need To Know About Thailand's Official Year of Mourning

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

On October 13, 2016, Thailand's beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej passed away at the age of 88. The government immediately declared that the country would be in a year of mourning, with the first 30 days (until around November 13, 2016) being especially somber. Thai's are expected to wear black and refrain from participating in any celebrations or festivals during that time.

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Durian Fruit: It Tastes Delicious But Smells Like Roadkill — Would You Try It?

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

It is described as having a smell that is overwhelming, revolting and reminiscent of rotten onions, turpentine, and raw sewage. A smell that penetrates fabric and remains on your hands for days. It has even been banished from hotels, public transit and public spaces because the smell has been known to linger in the air for days.

Yet, the soft, delicate, creamy fruit apparently tastes delicious (if you can get past the smell — I admit that I never have).  

What is this strange food that I speak of?

The durian fruit.  

Trust me, I do not usually shy away from street food, even when I can't identify it, but this large, spiky fruit — known as the King of Fruits — has bested me. But it isn't just me, most Westerners find the smell too offensive to get near, let alone eat. 

The fruit can be found all over South East Asia, with Thailand being the largest exporter of it — they even hold an annual World Durian Festival each May in Chantaburi.

What makes it smell so bad, you ask? 

A study conducted in 1995 discovered esters, sulphur, and ketones (the compound responsible for morning breath) all present in the fruit (GROSS). 

So why on earth are people eating the stuff? 

First of all, it is apparently really good for you as it contains a generous natural source of magnesium, potassium, copper, folate, thiamin, and other elements that are often missing from our diets.  

Second of all, and most interestingly, the fruit contains super high levels of tryptophan (the same amino acid found in chocolate) which explains why those that eat it claim that it is addictive and hard to put down once you start eating it. Apparently is produces euphoria when eaten as a dessert.

Have you been brave enough to try this smelly fruit before? I would love to hear what you thought of it!   

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Travel Tales: Surviving The Songkran Water Festival in Thailand

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

I stepped gingerly out of the cab, swinging my heavy pack onto my back, trying to get my bearings amongst the chaos of the Thai New Year celebrations.

The driver had dropped me only about four blocks away from my hotel — it was as close as he could get — but there were so many people on the street celebrating Songkran that I was feeling a bit turned around.  

Already sweating in the 40+ mid-day Thailand sun (not that it mattered, I was about to be soaking wet) I set off down a side street lined with food carts, and stalls selling small waterproof bags and water guns... and water...

While looking up at the flags strung across the street above me, I felt a cold stream of water run down my neck, then another hit me straight in the belly button, and yet another smack dab in the middle of my forehead... It had begun... 

What's a bigger target than a foreigner at a country's largest festival that involves throwing water at each other?

A foreigner with a ackpack on her back. (Luckily I had planned ahead and packed ALL of my stuff in plastic bags... one point for me!)

​Everything in my bags was packed away in plastic — I had a feeling I would be a target... I was correct...

I was right in the middle of a country-wide water fight that ushers in the traditional Thai New Year (April 13, 14 and 15). It is traditionally a time of renewal, cleansing AND wandering the streets with buckets of water to soak people with.

The country's most famous festival did not start out as a full-on no-holds-barred water fight. Not too long ago it was celebrated with quiet temple visits, 'new year's resolutions' and house cleaning. The temple's primary Buddha was ceremoniously bathed by monks and followers splashing water on it, water was splashed on the hands of elders, and was playfully splashed (not thrown) at friends as a way to with them luck.

Oh, how things have changed...

(As an added bonus, the festival falls on the HOTTEST time of the year in Thailand and the cold, cleansing water is actually a welcome escape from the heat.)

Decorations strung up at the Wat Pho temple in Bangkok, Thailand

Pieces of gold leaf are placed on stone Buddhas at Wat Pho in Bangkok, Thailand

Pieces of gold leaf are placed on stone Buddhas at Wat Pho in Bangkok, Thailand

During Songkran it is next to impossible to step into the streets of Bangkok and stay dry (especially if you are staying in the Th Khao San area, which I was). The streets were not only full of people (mostly Thais) throwing water, but also with live music, DJs, and an indescribable atmosphere. 

It was an incredible experience, but after being soaking wet for 2 days straight I was ready to dry off!

Luck is said to be measured by how doused you are — it is safe to say that I am the luckiest girl in the world (even a monk threw water at me at the temple!).

Luck is measured by how soaked you are — I'm feeling like this is going to be a great year!

How To Survive A Full Moon Party On Ko Pha Ngan In Thailand

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

According to local legend, the first Full Moon Party, at Hat Rin beach on Ko Pha Ngan, took place in either 1987 or 1988 (ironically, no one can remember), and was meant to be someone’s birthday celebration. The party was so amazing that the group decided to meet up again for the next full moon, and so began a tradition that has turned into one of the largest monthly parties in the world. Anywhere from 3,000 to 30,000 people turn up to dance, drink, and party the night away, all with the goal of living to tell the tale. 

Surviving a Full Moon Party is no easy feat, and I’m not just saying that to scare you, the incidence of death and serious injury at these parties rises every month. Here are some tips to help you make it through the night:

1. Show Up a Few Days Early

If you are planning on staying in Hat Rin, you will need to show up at least 3 days (even that is cutting it close) in advance to ensure that you can get a place to stay. 

If you don’t find an available room, hotels at nearby beaches will have boats that will shuttle you to the party and home again once the sun rises.

TIP: If you do stay in Hat Rin make sure that you lock up any valuables in the hotel safe as break-ins during the chaotic party are frequent.

2. Bare Feet are Your Friends

The 10+ most intense party zones (usually distinguished by different music blaring from MASSIVE speakers) are all on the beach.

Shoes+Sand=No Fun

In your intoxicated party state, you will inevitably kick-off your shoes and lose them. I guarantee it. Leave them in your room. 

3. Do Not Use a Purse/Bag or Exterior Pockets

Crowds of drunken tourists rubbing up against each other on a dance-floor are a pick-pocket's dream. Anything that you leave in an unsecured pocket, or set down for a minute so you can dance, is likely to disappear.

Ladies, I suggest using your bra or bathing suit as a wallet, boys try to use interior pockets or ones with zippers, buttons, or snaps. No one will ask for ID, so all you really need to have with you is some cash, your room key, and (if you are especially ambitious) your camera or phone.

4. Don’t Play With Fire

I know that this should go without saying, but it was remarkable to see how many people had limbs wrapped in white bandages the day after the Full Moon Party I attended.

Fire dancers seem more than willing to let drunken tourists ‘try out’ their trade, and a giant skipping rope dripping with flames is available for insane party-goers to try out. (I am pretty sure these fire ‘games’ are the local’s way of getting back at us for filling their beaches and nights with debauchery and chaos.)

5. Say No To Drugs

To many, Thailand is know as the land of ‘mushroom shakes’ and Bob Marley inspired bars… aka, if you want them, drugs are readily available.

But, the laws against drugs in Thailand are extreme and if you are caught with them in your possession, you WILL end up in jail (think Brokedown Palace).

Police have a presence at these parties, but there are even more officers in plain clothes mixing in with party-goers, waiting to catch you in the act.

Use at your own risk. 

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How To Protect Your Travel Funds And Become A Cash-Savvy Traveller

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Whether you are a penny-pinching backpacker or a traveller with deeper pockets, everyone loves a great, cash saving travel tip.

These tips will not only help you save and protect your money while you are travelling, but can also lead you to more genuine cultural experiences and — what every traveller loves to collect — some great stories.

First, lets start with a few tips to help prevent any cash-flow disasters:

Before you leave home call your credit card companies 

I can not stress this point enough. If you don’t call, there is a good chance that your card will be canceled or have a hold placed on it right when you have to pay for your hotel room or your expensive dinner.

A simple call alerting them where you are going, and for how long, will prevent any disasters. Many card companies also have toll-free numbers that you can call from international locations if you have any issues. 

Make sure you have a four digit pin number

Your credit and debit cards should work at most ATMs around the world, as long as you have a 4-digit pin number. Anything longer will not be compatible with international banks and cause issues when you try to take out money. 

Remember that exchanging money is not always easy.

It was almost impossible for me to exchange the Budapest forint once I had left the country. Unless you are planning on going back to the country you are leaving, exchange your extra pesosflorinsdrams, and riels before you cross the border. 

Do not keep all of your cash and cards in one place

Even if you are wearing a money belt the entire time you're traveling, it's important to have something extra tucked away just in case. I recommend sewing a small pocket in the bottom of your bag that you can tuck a card and some cash into, or placing a little cash under the insole of your shoe. 

And now for some tips that will help you save cash while still having some incredible experiences:

Unless you are staying in one place, don’t book ahead

Whenever I give this advice, the first thing that people tell me is that they have a limited amount of time and don’t want to risk not having a place to stay. Of course, if you are going somewhere that is hosting a huge event or in the peak of tourist season, booking ahead is definitely the best plan.

But, if you book ahead for the average trip, you run the risk of paying more (you can often get cheaper rates once in the actual country) or staying somewhere that doesn’t live up to its online photos. 

I do recommend booking accommodation ahead of time for the first city you will hit on your itinerary so you have a base to head to, but leave the rest for when you get there.

Here’s why; all hotels, hostels and guesthouses are associated with other hotels, hostels and guesthouses in other cities and countries. They will always — whether you want it or not — have a recommendation for you, and will often even set it up for you at a discount. 

The other reason I recommend not pre-booking is that if you do, you are forced to keep to a schedule. What happens if you want to stay a few extra days or leave early? What happens if you hear about an amazing free concert happening in a city that wasn’t in your pre-planned itinerary? There’s no risk of losing a deposit if you haven’t paid one yet, and not booking ahead allows you to take advantage of the best part of travel — spontaneity! 

Don’t take a tour

There are, of course, exceptions to this rule.

If taking a tour is safer (I took a tour into the Korean Demilitarized Zone for example) or less expensive than doing it yourself, it is absolutely worth it.

I’m referring to the walking, sightseeing, museum tours that, in the age of smartphones and Lonely Planet Travel Guides, are a complete waste of money for the budget traveler. Anything that these human guides are going to tell or show you could easily be discovered yourself with very little effort.

These paid tours are often affiliated with certain restaurants or shops and will usually begin or end with a visit to them where you will be forced to browse or eat in a ‘tourist friendly’, unauthentic environment. So, not only do they often waste your money, but your time as well.

Ask a local

Locals are your most valuable source when it comes to saving money. They are the people who can tell you where the best (affordable) spots to eat, party, and sightsee are. They are also great at giving you tips on how to experience the local (often free) hot spots. 

Remember that the concierge at your hotel (in a hostel, this is not an issue) is not necessarily a "local" when he is doing his job. He is paid and trained to tell you typical tourist things to do. Talk to waiters, bartenders, desk clerks and local business owners for more authentic tips. They are the ones who will be in-the-know about what is going on in their city. 

Only sit down to eat once a day

Limiting your restaurant dining can save you a bunch of cash.

Many hostels and hotels will include breakfast in the cost of the room, but if they don’t you can easily grab a piece of fruit, something cheap from a local bakery or a snack from a street stall. Street food is available all day and every country that I have visited, from Asia to North America has a version of a cafe where cheap sandwiches can be purchased as well. 

Most would pick dinner as their sit down meal, but if you are looking to save everything that you can, I suggest heading to a restaurant for lunch instead. Lunch menus are usually just slightly smaller versions of the dinner menu, and are often $5-10 cheaper. The portion size will still more than fill you up, and you will get the same experience you would if you were there for dinner —without having to worry about what to do with leftovers.

Embrace free entertainment

With the exception of travel in cold countries in the deep of winter, every place I have ever been has had constant street performances. I have seen Italian opera preformed on the street in Venice, acrobatics on the pavement in China, and Mozart played by classical musicians in Vienna. None of these shows cost me more than the donation that I chose to give, and I believe that they were just as impressive — in their own way — as anything I could have seen for full price in a theatre. 

Do a bit of research ahead of time, and you can even time your travels so that you are present for one of the amazing free concerts, celebrations, or street performer festivals that occur at different times of the year all over the world.

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Travel Tips: Your Guide to Bringing Buddha Statues Home From Thailand

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

The streets of Thailand are full of antique Buddha heads, newly-cast statues, painted canvases, and tiny tokens all featuring a depiction of the Buddha. They spill out of storefronts, are lined up in marketplaces and can be found for the equivalent of pennies all over the country. 

Though Buddhas are easy to find, what most travelers don’t know is that it is difficult — and sometimes even illegal — to take them out of the country.

According to the Thai Customs Department, no antiques or objects of art depicting an image of the Buddha (including even newly cast Buddha images for religious or cultural purposes) can be removed from the country without obtaining an export license.

Here's what you need to know:

  • There are licensed vendors that can provide you with the documentation you need to bring your Buddha purchase home legally.

  • You can't export more than five statues or images of the Buddha at a time.

  • You cannot export parts of the Buddha, like hands or feet — this is to prevent looting.

  • If the Buddha image or statue is more than 12 cm you must get permission from the Department of Fine Arts, a department in the Ministry of Culture.

  • To get documentation from the Department of Fine Arts, your application must include a photocopy of your passport and two front-view photos of the object. The department quotes 3-5 days for the process to be completed, but I would allow at least a week.

If you decide to risk it and get caught with a Buddha at the airport, you will lose it and most likely getting slapped with a hefty fine. 

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