Travel Tales: Visiting Buckingham Palace in London, England

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

Though I usually avoid tours at all cost, after some urging from my travel buddy — and since were only going to be in London for a few days — I agreed to take the classic Red Bus Tour. We boarded the double-decker bus first thing and spent the morning being whisked past some of the most iconic buildings and monuments in the city.

By the afternoon, I was only half listening to the tour guide’s non-stop narration of the city scenery when I caught the end of a sentence "…visit the state rooms of Buckingham", as we passed by the iconic symbol of London itself.

“Whoa! What did he say!?” I asked my friend.

“Those white tents over there,” she pointed, “are where you line up to visit Buckingham Palace.”

Visit Buckingham Palace… VISIT BUCKINGHAM PALACE!!!!

How did I not know that a normal person could actually go INSIDE the Queen’s official London home!? 

I reached over and yanked hard on the yellow wire, signaling to the driver that I wanted off.

“Hurry!” I yelled at my friend jumping out of my seat, “we gotta go visit the Queen’s house!!”

She looked at me bemused and smiled apologetically at the tour guide who, for the first time all day, had paused his monologue and seemed a bit taken aback by my enthusiasm. 

Jumping out of the bus, we practically ran towards the white tents covering a twisting line of tourists patiently waiting for their turn to see how the Royals lived. My friend sighed when she saw the line, but I determinedly took my place at the end of it.

I didn’t care how long I had to stand there, I was getting into that palace.

For a month in the summer, when the Queen and her court head to Balmoral Castle in the Highlands of Scotland (Fun Fact: If the queen is at the palace, the Sovereign’s Standard is flown, if not the Union Jack flaps proudly in the wind), the lavish and historic State Rooms of one of the few working palaces in the world are open to the public.

For those of you that have walked through the halls of the palace in Versailles or the Hapsburg summer palace in Austria, you might be wondering why this is such a big deal.

A palace is a palace right? WRONG

What makes a visit to Buckingham so incredible is that it is actually someone’s home — an incredibly wealthy someone. The rooms are clean, kept, and full of priceless furniture, art, and other treasures. They have not been looted or vandalised by mobs during uprisings (like Versailles) and are painstakingly taken care of by over 450 members of the Royal Household. 

No mater what your opinion is of Royalty, there is something amazing about walking through rooms that generations of rulers from all over the world have dined in, danced in, and lived in. 

The Royal Arms on the bronze entrance gates, 1905          Bromsgrove Guild

The line moved surprisingly fast and after only about thirty minutes, we entered through the Ambassadors’ entrance, normally reserved for foreign ambassadors, senior government officials, and high ranking members of the armed services.

After walking through a narrow passageway, we stepped into the breathtaking Grand Entrance, all marble, columns, sculpture, and red plush carpeting.

Peeking through the windows, I could see a stone-filled square, called the Quadrangle, where the Queen receives exalted guests, and through that, the inside of the gates that, until that moment, I had seen only from the other side.

​The Grand Staircase, Buckingham Palace

The Grand Staircase, Buckingham Palace

After walking up the stunning grand staircase literally made out of marble and gold, we entered the rooms on the first floor.

My mouth gaped open stupidly from that moment on, as we slowly wandered from room to room taking in the elaborate curtains, patterned walls, gilt mirrors, painted murals, and master works of art (the frames alone could have kept me travelling for years).

We passed through Drawing Rooms, The State Dining Room, The Ballroom, and The Throne Room — I could have stayed in there forever (seriously, I tried to keep my eye out for a place to hide).

The Throne Room, Buckingham Palace

Oh, the photos I would have taken if only I was permitted to! There is no taking photos in the Queen's house. (The interior photos used in this post are photos-I-took-of-photos found in the ‘Official Souvenir Guide’ by Derry Moore).

It took a lot, but (after a few hours) my VERY patient travel companion finally managed to drag me out of the palace and into the fresh air of the royal backyard. The 40-acre garden stretched out in front of me as I stood for a moment enjoying the Queen’s patio.

Buckingham Palace from the back

My mind instantly flashed to a picture that I had seen when I was younger of Princess Diana, Prince Charles, a young Prince William, and an even younger Prince Harry sitting on the grass together smiling.

The sides of my own lips turned up at the enchanting memory, which was broken as my friend tugged me down the stairs towards a path that led through the garden and ultimately back to the other "normal" side of Buckingham’s walls.

(Insert exaggerated sigh here)

What. A. Day. 

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Nervous Flyer? These Tips Are For You!

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

For many travellers it is not the strange food, language barrier, or cultural differences that are the most daunting when embarking on a new adventure, it is the flight that it takes to get there.

Having traveled with a few extremely nervous flyers (a friend of mine spent our 10 hour flight grabbing my arm every time the plane hit turbulence), I understand that this is a legitimate fear that sadly, prevents many from taking the trips that they long too.

If you have a fear of flying (or know someone who does), there should be something on this list that can help you out!

1. Get Comfortable

The more comfortable you are, the more relaxed you will be. Most airlines don’t supply blankets and pillows anymore, so bring your own — inflatable neck pillows are the easiest to pack — and make sure to bring some socks to keep your toes warm and cosy as well.

2. Stay Distracted

Bring entertaining books and magazines on board (trashy ones are the best for easy distraction). Music is also a great distraction so make sure you have all your fave songs downloaded and ready (also helpful if the in-flight entertainment system stops working).

Just remember that if you have ear-bud headphones you will be able to keep them on during take-off and landing, headphones that cover your ears will have to be removed. 

3. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

These beverages run the risk of making you feel jumpy and irrational and will also force you to use the ‘facilities’ more often which will make your flight (and the flight for the person sitting next to you) very uncomfortable. I know it's tempting just to get drunk to hide your fear, but this could backfire — trust me. 

4. Pack Gum, Water (bottle) and Snacks

I know that I get incredibly irritated when hungry, and many flights no longer serve food or charge astronomical prices for it so, make sure you bring some snacks.

Flights also tend to be very dry, so having water (you can purchase a bottle in the airport once you pass through security) with you will help avoid the dry mouth that can come with nerves.

Gum will help you pop your ears, preventing pressure build up, as the cabin equalizes. 

5. Drugs, Drugs, Drugs… 

Doctors can prescribe medication to help you sleep if you are a REALLY nervous flyer, but over the counter medication like Gravol and even Motrin can often help you sleep or relax. 

6. Keep Your Eye on the Flight Attendants

There are some mechanical noises, chimes, and bouts of turbulence that may sound or feel scary but are completely normal. My trick in moments that make me nervous is to watch and see how the flight attendants are reacting. If they seem calm then I calm down. 

7. Tell the Flight Attendants How You Feel

Sometimes the best way to calm your nerves is to admit to someone that you are in fact nervous. Flight Attendants are VERY familiar with nervous flyers and if you tell them how you feel they will usually go out of their way to ensure that you are comfortable. 

8. Embrace the Idea That There is Really Nothing You Can Do

The reality is that anything that could happen is out of your control. According to my sister, a frequent traveller, "you are already in the air and if something is going to go wrong, there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it — there is no point worrying, so just sit back and enjoy the ride." 

I know that this is easier said than done, but if you can embrace the idea, it could save you a lot of worry.

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Unconventional Tourist Attraction: Exploring European Cemeteries

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

I have never been one to visit the dead.

It has nothing to do with religion or anything, I have just always felt that my memories of a lost loved one are stronger than anything that I could find standing in front of a grave.

Despite this, on a recent trip, I found myself drawn to a small cemetery in Paris where the French poet, art critic, and essayist Charles Baudelaire was buried. I had studied, quoted and written about him throughout my university career and even after, could feel the influence of his words in how I observed certain aspects of the world.

Like we make pilgrimages to famous museums to see the great works of art that the likes of Michelangelo, Monet, and Andy Warhol have left behind, I felt a need to make a pilgrimage to Baudelaire’s grave.

Just outside the walls of the cemetery I purchased a single, long stem red rose from a lady with a flower cart. I felt a little silly as I walked through the arched entrance in the cemetery wall and onto a deserted cobblestone street. I had never visited a grave before, especially not one marking someone I hadn’t even known. 

I found myself drawn to a small cemetery in Paris where the French poet, art critic, and essayist Charles Baudelaire was buried

It took me about 20 minutes to find the tomb in the confusing maze of headstones. It was the only one, out of all that surrounded it, covered in flowers. I didn’t feel so silly once I realized that I was not the only recent visitor. 

Setting my single rose next to a bouquet of lilies and running my fingers over his name, I turned and walked back to the wall and out into the noise of Parisian traffic. 

Taking a stroll through a cemetery might sound morbid, but in Europe, 19th century cemeteries are big attractions. Yes, there are ‘quirkier’ visitors that are there to hold vigil for hours in front of the graves of famous figures (Jim Morrison’s grave in Paris attracts some interesting people), but the majority of visitors are your plain old average tourist.

Surrounded by thick stone walls that create a peaceful sanctuary, these cemeteries are laid out like cities with street names and green spaces.

The opulent mausoleums are a study in architecture of the different time periods they were built in, and elaborate grave markers, representing the life of the deceased, turn these burial places into verdant sculpture gardens. In the light of day, these places are like beautiful, outdoor museums. 

Death is the ultimate neutralizer, and in these beautiful spaces, you can find dictators buried next to revolutionaries, musicians next to business men and the rich next to the poor. 

If you are going to be in Europe this summer, I suggest dropping by the Kerepesi Cemetery in Budapest or Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise in Paris. They are massive, full of beautiful sculpture and — if it is something that interests you — a bunch of famous historical figures. 

Which Pack To Pack? Your guide to picking the perfect bag for your next trip

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Unless you want to end up with the wheels of your suitcase broken from rolling over uneven cobblestones, or a sweat stained t-shirt in the fancy lobby of your five-star hotel, you will have to put some thought into one of the most important decisions a traveller can make.

Which pack to pack? 

The type of bag you use while travelling is determined largely by the type of vacation or trip you are planning.

There are four main bags to consider:

1. The Large Suitcase   

This bag is usually a monster and best used for shorter trips where you will be staying in one place. A large suitcase limits your mobility, so choose this bag if you are stying in a hotel, using cars to get to and from the airport, and not required to roll it over uneven ground.

Cobblestones and unpaved roads will wreak havoc on the wheels of these weighty pieces of luggage, and you will be sweating bullets if you are pulling them on and off of trains or busses.

2. The Carry On Suitcase

These smaller suitcases are perfect for weekends, business trips, quick getaways, or longer trips if you are a light packer. Though they are more mobile than a large suitcase, I don’t recommend them for longer budget-style travel (like backpacking trips through Europe for example) because they are bulky and require the use of your hands to carry them. 

3. The Large Backpack

A typical first-time backpacker mistake (and one that I have made) is buying the biggest backpack you can find, thinking that the more space you have the more you can take with you. The problem is that all that stuff has weight, and that weight will be sitting directly on your body. Walking more than five minutes, through crowded streets, to get from your hostel to the train station will have you cursing the extra shoes and clothing on your back that you thought you couldn’t live without.

Larger packs do have their place however. I have used a large backpack to carry my things to a country that I was planning on living in for awhile, and then only filled it half to three quarters full when I did some quicker travelling after. 

4. The Carry On Sized or Medium Sized Backpack

This bag is perfect for weekend jaunts to places where you want maximum mobility and your hands free at all times. It is also perfect for travellers who are travelling longer term with a light wardrobe — budget travellers on hostel-style trips, I'm looking at you.

If you choose to use only carry on luggage, make sure to check the size of the liquids that you are allowed to carry on or be prepared to purchase things like contact solution and toothpaste in the country you are visiting. 

The key to buying a functional backpack, no matter what the size, is accessibility. Look for a bag that has side zippers or can unzip all the way, so that you can access the entire main pocket. You will inevitably have to pull EVERYTHING out in order to find what you need if you bag can only be accessed from the top.

In summary:

Large Suitcase: All inclusive/resort/hotel/single destination type vacations
Small Suitcase: Weekend getaways/business/shorter jaunts
Large Backpack: Long term stays (teaching abroad for example) with plans to travel after/hiking trips
Small Backpacks: Shorter, hands free travel/Longer travel if you are a light packer

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Travel Tips: Your Guide To Safely Drinking (Or Not Drinking) The Water When You Travel

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

According to, 3.575 million people die each year from water related diseases. 

For those of us who are lucky enough to call countries that have fresh, clean drinking water home, it is important to remember that the majority of the places we will travel to are not so lucky.

It's easy to forget the brushing your teeth, having a shower, or needing to wet a dry throat in the middle of the night that the water might not be safe to drink. 

Here are a few things to keep your tummy safe on your next trip:

  • NEVER drink tap water unless you are 100% sure that it is safe (so basically never).

  • Bottled water is usually ok, but make sure you check the seal carefully before you buy. I have heard of scams where shop owners will refill old bottles with tap water and then put them back on the shelves.

  • Pack iodine tablets. They are lightweight, don’t take up much room and will be lifesavers if you ever find yourself with no access to clean water.

  • If your trip is going to involve isolation (example: mountains in Tibet or the Gobi Desert), I recommend picking up an actual water filter and/or purifier. Many of them are now made to easily connect to a water bottle and come with small hand pumps.

  • Boiling water is still the best way to purify it. You can purchase small electrical coils for this purpose at most outdoor/travel stores.

  • When eating or drinking in restaurants, avoid ice or fresh juice unless you can confirm that both were made with filtered water. The same goes for tea and soup that may not have been brought to a boil.

  • Be careful not to swallow any water when brushing your teeth (or just use bottled water) and showering.

When in doubt, end your day of touring with a shot of hard liquor or a beer, and hope that the alcohol will kill any parasite that you swallowed with your water! 

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Don't Touch The Pineapple! How To Get Arrested In Hawaii

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

If you would like to spend your time in Hawaii with a view of prison bars rather than palm trees, or if you feel like shelling out a bunch of money to the police instead of buying souvenirs, all you have to do is wander into one of the thousands of acres of pineapple fields all over the Hawaiian islands and pick one of the spiky fruits off its plant.

Though each acre of pineapple field supports about 6,500 plants, it takes nearly TWO YEARS for a plant to reach the point where it can begin to bear fruit.

Each plant will only produce 2 pineapples in its lifetime, one in its second year and one in its third.

The fruit is not considered ready to pick until it weighs about 5lbs and is unique among fruits in that it does not continue to ripen after it is picked, so the timing must be perfect.

Because of the length of time they take to grow, and how important it is that they are on the plant until ripe (and the fact that it is one of the country’s largest exports), it is illegal to pick pineapples in Hawaii. 

If you are still desperate to have the experience of plucking the fruit from a field yourself, don’t risk wandering into one of the well-monitored fields on your own and ending up with Dog The Bounty Hunter on your tail.  Avoid getting arrested by going on a ‘picking’ tour at the Dole Plantation on the island of Oahu instead OR order a pina colada at your hotel bar and ‘pick’ a piece of fresh pineapple off the side of your glass. 

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