How To Pack Your Carry-On Bag Like An Expert

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Packing a carry-on for a trip involving air travel isn’t rocket science, but you would be surprised how many people forget to throw even the smallest (but often the most important) things into their bag. 

The first thing to remember is that your carry-on can't be more than 10kg. Though you can often sneak through with a heavier bag (I do it all the time), there is always the risk of getting caught and having to pay to check your heavier items. 

Liquids, gels, lotions, etc. in containers larger than 100ml/100g/3.4oz are NOT permitted, so assume that when I mention these items I am referring to the small version of them.

Though many people consider their carry-on to be what holds their source of entertainment or simply a vessel to throw all of the things that they could not fit in their checked luggage in, I approach it in a slightly different way. 

To me, the carry-on is your survival kit in case your luggage gets lost.

It needs to contain everything that you would need to survive a full day and even a few nights at your destination.

Here’s what I suggest:

  • Any Prescription Drugs you might need

  • Tylenol, Motrin, Advil, etc. (cures for headaches, back spasms)

  • Prescription Glasses/Contact Case with solution in it (if you wear glasses/contacts)

  • Sunglasses

  • Deodorant

  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss

  • Makeup (for the ladies, it's nice to have just a few items — powder, blush, lip gloss — to freshen up with when you get off the plane)

  • Bathing Suit (if headed on a beach vacation)

  • Change of Clothing (usually underpants and a fresh shirt will suffice)

  • Socks (even if you are wearing sandals, these will keep your feet warm on the plane)

  • Scarf/Sarong (use as a blanket on the plane and a shawl/scarf if your destination in cooler than you are dressed for)

  • Blue or Black Pen (for filling out landing documents, jotting down directions, etc.)

  • Paper Map (wireless may not be available or your smart phone might die)

  • Passport

  • Money, credit cards, debit card

  • Accommodation information (you will need to fill out the address of where you are staying on your landing documents, and you want to be able to access it quickly when you arrive at your destination)

  • Book or magazine (just in case the inflight entertainment doesn't work)

  • Headphones (having to buy headphones on your flight sucks)

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Must-Visit Destination: Exploring Jeju Island In South Korea

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,


Location — Jeju-do (‘do’ means island) is a large, subtropical volcanic island located 85km off the southern tip of the Korean peninsula. 

Population — This small island has a population of 540,000 permanent residents, though this can as much as double during the summer.

Claim To Fame — Considered by Koreans to be Paradise, Hawaii, and Disneyland combined, this is THE honeymoon location for newlyweds. The island contains South Korea’s highest mountain — a 2,000m high extinct volcano — long sandy beaches, impressive waterfalls, extremely rare lave-tube caves, and delicious oranges. 

Female divers, or haenyeo, are found on many of Korea’s islands, but are the most famous on Jeju. These divers use NO scuba gear and are able to hold their breath for a full 2 minutes to allow them to reach a depth of 20 meters! At their peak in the 1950s, there were over 30,000 haenyeo, but now there are only around 3000 of these impressive women left.

Orientation — The island is about 200km around and is divided into four quadrants with the lush Hallasan National Park in the centre. The southern side is where most of the attractions, and resort-like hotels are located and so is the most tourist-friendly. 

Getting Around — There are buses that can take you to all of the major tourist sites, and  renting a taxi for the day is relatively affordable.

Your best bet (especially in the off-season when taxis and buses aren’t as numerous) would be to rent a car from one of the rental agencies at the airport. Just MAKE SURE YOU DON”T SPEED!! There are speed traps EVERYWHERE — trust me, I got a ticket. 

Getting There and Away — There is a small airport on the island, but you can only fly in from one of South Korea’s major cities. Busan or Seoul would be your best points of departure. You can also reach the island by ferry, but the sea between the mainland and the island tends to be really rough, so unless you have an iron stomach, I suggest flying. 

Where To Stay — Because Jeju is a major tourist destination, there is no lack of hotels, guesthouses, hostels, and resorts. Whatever your price point, ensure that you book ahead of time, and count on prices raising on weekends and in the summer months.  

What To Do — By far, the most unique thing to do on the island is exploring the world’s longest system of lava-tube caves. The system in 13.4km long with a height and width anywhere from 3m to 20m. It is damp, incredibly humid, rocky, cold, and dark in the tubes, but what makes them so unique is the fact that they are relatively unregulated. Unlike attractions similar to these found in the Western world, the tubes don’t have roped-off areas, walkways, no-go zones, or park rangers that keep tourists from going somewhere they shouldn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I am NOT advocating doing something to risk your safety, all I am saying is take advantage of an experience that will let you feel like an adventurer, discovering something for the first time.

There are shrines and museums throughout the island, and no visit to Jeju could be complete without hiking up to one of the 360 volcanic craters that can be found throughout. These craters are incredibly lush and give hikers an amazing view of the surrounding ocean.

How I Found It — When I was living in South Korea, my brother and sister came to visit me for a week. While they were there, we decided to check out this amazing island that everyone kept telling me about. 

We took a flight from Seoul (it was only about $60 each) and spent 3 days exploring the island. I was there in the off-season (it was not yet bathing suit weather) and, though I wouldn’t call it Hawaii, it was beautiful, interesting, and well-worth the visit! 

5 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Off-Season Travel

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

I am constantly asked for advice on when the best time to travel is and my answer is always the same — the shoulder or off-season.

This tends to fall outside of the summer months and in between holidays, when the weather is colder, the days a bit shorter, and there are no popular festivals filling the streets. While you may have to wear a few extra layers while exploring, traveling during this time of year has A LOT of benefits.

1. You Look Less Like A Tourist 

There is nothing that screams ‘tourist’ more than runners, shorts, a brightly coloured T-shirt, and a sunburn.

Not only that, if you are from a dry country and are touring somewhere humid in the middle of summer, you are sure to be sweating as you sit in a crowded subway or walk down sunny streets. (Trust me, I’ve experienced it).

If you are travelling in the off-season, you will more likely be wearing clothing that helps you blend better with the locals and will be more comfortable in the cooler climate.

2. Locals Are More Patient

If you live anywhere that is considered a ‘tourist destination’, you know how annoying large, loud groups who don’t look where they are walking and force you to wait in line for a coffee can be.

In the off-season, having had a break from the onslaught of travellers, the waiter in the cafe will be more patient while you struggle to order a coffee in his native tongue, and shop owners are sure to be kinder. 

3. Scam Artists and Pick-Pockets are on Vacation

Scam artists go where the business is, and in the off-season, the people trying to charge you $20 for a walking tour to nowhere or $30 for a plastic statue of Michelangelo’s David are nowhere to be found.

Without a crowd to hide what they are doing, pick-pockets are also sure to keep their distance. 

4. Costs are Significantly Lower 

Not only will your accommodation be almost cut in half, the price of meals, admission, taxis, souvenirs, tours — pretty much EVERYTHING — will be cheap, cheap, cheap! 

I stayed at a resort on the beach in the Algarve last November for 30% of what it would cost during the peak season. It was still warm enough to suntan during the day and it was lovely to have my pick of spots on the beach!

5. Attractions Are People-Free and Relaxing

Imagine standing in front of the Mona Lisa completely alone, taking a photo of the Colosseum without a single person in it, or walking into a temple at Angkor that not a soul is in but you.

All of these things are possible (I promise, I have the photos and experiences to prove it!) if you embrace off-season travel!

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off-season or shoulder season travel tips
off-season or shoulder season travel tips

How To Survive A Full Moon Party On Ko Pha Ngan In Thailand

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

According to local legend, the first Full Moon Party, at Hat Rin beach on Ko Pha Ngan, took place in either 1987 or 1988 (ironically, no one can remember), and was meant to be someone’s birthday celebration. The party was so amazing that the group decided to meet up again for the next full moon, and so began a tradition that has turned into one of the largest monthly parties in the world. Anywhere from 3,000 to 30,000 people turn up to dance, drink, and party the night away, all with the goal of living to tell the tale. 

Surviving a Full Moon Party is no easy feat, and I’m not just saying that to scare you, the incidence of death and serious injury at these parties rises every month. Here are some tips to help you make it through the night:

1. Show Up a Few Days Early

If you are planning on staying in Hat Rin, you will need to show up at least 3 days (even that is cutting it close) in advance to ensure that you can get a place to stay. 

If you don’t find an available room, hotels at nearby beaches will have boats that will shuttle you to the party and home again once the sun rises.

TIP: If you do stay in Hat Rin make sure that you lock up any valuables in the hotel safe as break-ins during the chaotic party are frequent.

2. Bare Feet are Your Friends

The 10+ most intense party zones (usually distinguished by different music blaring from MASSIVE speakers) are all on the beach.

Shoes+Sand=No Fun

In your intoxicated party state, you will inevitably kick-off your shoes and lose them. I guarantee it. Leave them in your room. 

3. Do Not Use a Purse/Bag or Exterior Pockets

Crowds of drunken tourists rubbing up against each other on a dance-floor are a pick-pocket's dream. Anything that you leave in an unsecured pocket, or set down for a minute so you can dance, is likely to disappear.

Ladies, I suggest using your bra or bathing suit as a wallet, boys try to use interior pockets or ones with zippers, buttons, or snaps. No one will ask for ID, so all you really need to have with you is some cash, your room key, and (if you are especially ambitious) your camera or phone.

4. Don’t Play With Fire

I know that this should go without saying, but it was remarkable to see how many people had limbs wrapped in white bandages the day after the Full Moon Party I attended.

Fire dancers seem more than willing to let drunken tourists ‘try out’ their trade, and a giant skipping rope dripping with flames is available for insane party-goers to try out. (I am pretty sure these fire ‘games’ are the local’s way of getting back at us for filling their beaches and nights with debauchery and chaos.)

5. Say No To Drugs

To many, Thailand is know as the land of ‘mushroom shakes’ and Bob Marley inspired bars… aka, if you want them, drugs are readily available.

But, the laws against drugs in Thailand are extreme and if you are caught with them in your possession, you WILL end up in jail (think Brokedown Palace).

Police have a presence at these parties, but there are even more officers in plain clothes mixing in with party-goers, waiting to catch you in the act.

Use at your own risk. 

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Must-Visit Destination: The Picturesque City of York in England

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

The Clifford Tower             York, UK


Location — Approximately 280 km north of London, in the county of Yorkshire, where the Ouse and Foss rivers meet. 

Population — Around 203,000 permanent residents.

Claim to Fame — A medieval spider web of narrow streets, lined with period architecture, that makes you feel like you have stepped into a scene from a Harry Potter movie; 13th century walls that are STILL intact and surround the city; the city’s Minster (big ‘ol stone church) is the largest medieval cathedral in Northern Europe and one of the world’s most beautiful Gothic buildings. 

Orientation —‘Old York’, full of shops, cafes, and traditional pubs, is surrounded by the old wall and contains an abundance of pedestrian streets. The minster is visible from almost everywhere within the walls so just look up if you get disoriented. 

Getting Around —Traffic within the walls can get pretty congested, so walking is your best bet. There is so much to look at, that even those of you who hate walking will have covered a lot of ground before you even realize it. Taxis are available of course, but unless the British Pound is your native currency, the fare can add up very fast. 

Getting There and Away — A train station lies just outside the wall that also serves as the city’s bus terminal. The nearest airports are in Leeds and Manchester. Driving is also an option, just remember that they drive on the right side of the road in the UK and it is difficult to rent automatic vehicles. 

Where To Stay — As you can imagine, this quaint, picturesque village is the perfect location for B&B’s and they are available in abundance. Though there are many within the city walls, if you are willing to walk 5-10 minutes beyond the wall, you will be rewarded with a bed for a fraction of the price. Hotels are also popular, and most have restaurants located in their lobby. There are a few hostels as well, but they fill up fast in the summer months, so you will have to plan ahead. 

What To Do — Walk along the city walls; explore the museum gardens filled with ancient ruins; wander through the breathtaking Minster and then climb the narrow spiral staircase to the roof for stunning 360 degree views of the city; take a river cruise and see the city from a different angle; soak up street entertainment while lounging in one of the hundreds of cafes; hike up to the historic Clifford’s Tower, all that remains of York Castle; spend a day betting on horses at the nearby racecourse; let yourself get lost is the maze of history as you imagine what life was like when the cobblestones you are walking over were first laid; OR (if none of that interests you) enjoy some ‘high-street’ style shopping and then kick back with a pint in one of the traditional English pubs!

How I Found It — One of my closest friends was getting married, and because her fiance was in the British military that happened to have him stationed in York, that was where the wedding was scheduled to take place. Lucky for her (and us) it couldn’t have been a more picturesque locale. 

The other bridesmaids and I arrived a week before the ceremony to help her prepare which gave us a chance to explore the city and soak up the culture.

It is definitely worth the trip, just try and avoid visiting from June to August — unless you don’t mind fighting swarms of tourists.

Must-Visit Destination: Explore The Island of Procida In Italy

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,


Location – One of the tiniest (it is so small that it wasn’t even on the map in my Lonely Planet) Flegrean Islands located just off the coast of Naples, Italy.

Population – approx. 10,000 (this number can double in the heart of the summer). 

Claim To Fame – The Talented Mr. Ripley filmed the end of the movie (remember the amazing aerial views of colorful Mediterranean houses?) in the historic harbour of the island (photo above); home of THE MOST AMAZING bruschetta that I have ever tasted in my life.

Orientation – Pastel pink, white and yellow square houses clutter the waterfront, while narrow roads (more like alleyways) lead to the homes in the interior. The entire island can be walked around in less then 4 hours. 

Getting Around – You could try and take a cab, but walking or biking will get you there faster! 

Getting There and Away – You can reach the island by boat from Naples or one of the surrounding islands. 

Where to Stay – There are only a handful of hotels and campsites on the island. An option to consider is short-term home rental. I stayed in a lovely cottage that overlooked the ocean for only about 60 Euros a night (it was split 3 ways). 

What to Do – Explore the galleries, boutiques and bistros near the harbour; snap photos of the weathered local fishermen and their boats; climb to the old watchtower and enjoy a breathtaking view; check out some of the historical Mediterranean architecture; laze on one of the quiet, expansive beaches. 

How I Found It – My travel buddies and I were in a hostel in Florence, chatting and organizing our packs, when a tanned girl burst into the room, threw her bags on the ground, looked at us and said, “You HAVE to go to the island I was just on! IT WAS AMAZING!”

Hearing her account of amazing sunsets, quiet beaches, warm water and friendly locals convinced me, and before the night was over, we had decided to change our plans and make our way to Procida… best decision I ever made! 

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