Everything You Need To Know About Shopping For Unique and Meaningful Travel Souvenirs

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

It is inevitable (unless you have A LOT of willpower) that you are going to bring back souvenirs from your travels. But, you have to be careful not to let yourself get swindled or carried away.

Here are a few tips on how to find unique trip mementos and locally made gifts that will remind you of adventure every time you see them, rather than gather dust in the back of your closet. 

Don't get lost in the novelty

When immersed in a market in Morocco, it is easy to think that buying a silver tea set with a beautifully etched tray is a fantastic idea. They are cheap, they are everywhere, and they are SO beautiful. BUT, consider this — do you drink tea? If you do drink tea, do you drink it out of tiny cups that will come with your Moroccan tea set, or do you like big, oversized mugs? Basically, will you use this tea set or have a spot in your home to display it, or will it sit in your cupboard? Ask these questions about every purchase you make. Are harem pants really something you will wear outside of Thailand? Do you really need a carving of a camel? 

Shop around

Markets or street stalls may seem random and like they have completely unique items, but you will soon notice that a lot of the items sold are mass produced. Wander through the market a few times to get an idea of where you can find the truly unique items before making a purchase.

Check that you are getting what you are paying for before you hand over your money

There are no returns at market stalls, and often the seller will disappear to grab a bag or change for you while still holding your items. Don't leave until you ensure that what is in your bag is what you want. I made the mistake of forgetting to do this, and ended up coming home with two left shoes from Marrakesh. 

Research prices

If you want to make sure you aren't getting swindled, do some research ahead of time to figure out the approximate prices for different items. Travel books are a great place to start, but blogs and Google searches can give you some general information as well. 

Buy items that you will actually use

I know this sounds like common sense, but it is SO easy to get wrapped up in the novelty of a place when you are actually there. Do you collect art? Buy a piece to add to your collection. Do you read? Purchase some books. Jewellery, scarves, fabrics, lanterns (if you will use them), home decor items, etc are also great options if you have the space and use for them. 

Try to buy from local artisans

For really authentic items, and to support local artists, look for stalls that are selling unique handcrafted items (usually the artist will be making them as he/she is selling them), or head out of the marketplace to local boutiques where you will find fewer mass produced items. Then, have a conversation with the artist you are supporting. This will connect your item to a memory, taking you back to that moment every time you see it once you are home. 

Haggle, barter and bargain like a pro

Click here for my post about bargaining like an expert to get the best deal that you possibly can — and have some fun in the process. 

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Why You Should Embrace The Travelling Part Of Travelling

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

"Europe? I would go, but the flight is way too long." 

"Don't take the train! It will take you forever. You're better off flying or not going at all!"

"Oh, don't go to that city! It's 3 hours away! Go to the one that is only 30 minutes down the road."

Sound familiar?

If you find yourself still wanting to travel long distances despite comments like these, then you have a kindred spirit in me! I can't tell you the number of times that I hear lamentations from people claiming that they would travel more, but can't stand airports, delays, long drives etc.

But, to me, the travelling part of travelling is often when the magic happens.

Let me explain. 

Life is busy, really busy. I rarely give myself permission to sit still, but on a long flight, drive, or travel delay, I am forced to be in one place with nowhere to go, no deadlines, no frantic need to find something to do. My only job is anticipating the next adventure, flipping through a magazine, watching a movie, and sipping on an overpriced (or free if you are on an international flight!) beer.

It's time when I can let my mind wander to places that it has been kept from because of work. I can write about what I want to, and read what I want to.

Even better, once on your plane, bus, or train, everything is out of your hands. You don't have to navigate, drive, worry about getting there on time. If the flight is delayed, the airline has to deal with it. (Ya, delays suck, but really, they aren't the end of the world!). Your only job is to sit back, relax, and let someone else take care of you. How nice does that sound!?

Meeting fellow travellers also adds to the adventure. You never know who is going to sit beside you — trust me, I have met some incredibly interesting people on planes, buses, and at the airport bar! 

The travelling part of travelling is also a really great opportunity to see the world around you!

Flights give you an incredible bird's-eye view of the places that you leaving and are going to. I will never forget when I flew over the Atlantic on a clear night and saw the lights from boats underneath us for most of the flight. Incredible.

Long train rides take you through mountains, cities, and landscapes that most roads don't go near, while buses give you a chance to see cities and countryside that you would never see if you stayed in one place. 

I'm not going to tell you that a day filled with 9-hour flight, a 3-hour layover, a second 4-hour flight, and then a 2-hour bus ride isn't a long day. But instead of thinking of it as a means to an end or a hinderance to travel, try looking at it as part of the adventure, and maybe you might start to like the travelling part of travelling too! 

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Tips For Visiting The Louvre: How To Avoid The Crowds and Make The Most of Your Visit

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

Whether you are a super fan of art and history, or just want to say you've seen the Mona Lisa, a visit to the Louvre is a must-do if you are in Paris. This fortress turned palace turned gallery is now a massive, sprawling, and overwhelming collection of some of the most important pieces of human history.

Making the most of your trip definitely takes some planning — I've visited the museum twice, and still haven't come close to seeing everything! 

First, let me tell you a little bit of the history of this famous museum (scroll down if you'd rather just read the tips!). 

Construction on the Louvre began in 1190, but it wasn't a fancy palace. At the time, it was located on the western edge of Paris, and it was built as a fortress to help protect the city. It had a moat and everything! The city quickly grew, engulfing the fortress, and King Charles V decided to convert it into a royal residence in 1364. From then, until the present, the building has been in constant renovation with rulers like King Henri IV, King Louis XIV, and Napoleon Bonaparte all adding new buildings, wings, galleries, and elaborate decoration to the complex that they called home. 

In 1692, artists began to hold shows in a few of the more public wings, and slowly, more and more of the buildings began to fill with art and artifacts from all over the world. By 1882, the majority of the Louvre had become a museum. In 1939, during WWII, the museum works were evacuated, except for the largest pieces, and were hidden away all over the country. It re-opened while still under occupation in 1940.

Now, thousands ride the escalator beneath the controversial glass pyramid (built in 1989, many Parisians consider it to be an eyesore), to visit the masterpieces and walk in the footsteps of some of the most influential figures in European history. 

Tips for visiting the Louvre

Here are my top tips to help you plan your visit to the Louvre Museum.

Avoid visiting from June-August

The crowds will be overwhelming and you will have no chance of getting near, or being alone, with any of the art or artifacts. 

Visit on the days that the museum is open late

The museum is open from 9 am — 9:45 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays (it closes at 6 pm on the other days). If you can, plan to visit on one of the extended hour days. It will give you a chance to take in more, while still being able to leave the museum for fresh air and food breaks. Plus, once dinner time hits, there are far fewer people in the galleries. In fact, in my experience, the galleries are largely empty by 8 pm. At 9:30 pm, I found myself completely alone in the gallery that houses the Mona Lisa — it was incredible. 

Choose your entrance 

There are three entrances to the Louvre. Most people will head to the glass pyramid entrance because it is the flashiest, but you can also enter through Porte des Lions or the Galerie du Carrousel and they are usually not as busy. 

Get a map

The first thing to do is pick up an info map (or you can check it out ahead of time here). The museum is huge, and you don't want to waste time wandering aimlessly.

Audio guides are your friend

There are audio guides that you can rent which are actually nice to have. They give you some really interesting information, and also block out the sound of the other visitors, making you feel a bit more immersed in the history that surrounds you. There are also smartphone apps that you can download instead, which can help you preplan your visit. 

Pick up postcards of your favorite pieces

You can take photos of EVERYTHING in the museum — yup, even the Mona Lisa — as long as you don't use your flash. The flash can damage the delicate pigments in paintings. Because of the damage that light can have on these works, low lighting doesn't make for the best photos. While I understand that getting a blurry photo is still better than no photo, the gift shop has beautiful postcards of all of the major works which make great souvenirs! There is a post-office on site as well if you want to mail any postcards to friends back home. 

Free coat check! 

There is a free cloakroom and luggage room if you have anything that you want to check, but they won't take bags larger than what you could carry on a plane.

Plan your meals

While there are cafes and restaurants in the Louvre, in the gardens just outside, and nearby, the prices are really jacked up. If you are on a budget, I suggest bringing some snacks with you, or walking a few streets away to find a more inexpensive spot. If you are willing to splurge a little, lunch is usually about half the price as dinner, and most spots will have inexpensive sandwiches for all meals. The gardens just outside the palace are the perfect place to have a picnic!

Watch out for pickpockets

Sadly, they target the Louvre, as tourists are so enthralled by what they are seeing they usually aren't paying attention to their bags. 

Take your time

Try not to just run from one masterpiece to another. Soak in where you are. Pay attention to the incredibly sculpted and painted ceilings, visit a gallery that doesn't have a famous work in it, explore — I promise you won't regret it! 

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Tips for visiting the Louvre
Tips for Visiting The Louvre

The Watch List: Tracks (The Perfect Film to Inspire Adventure)

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Sometimes — without even realizing it — I get myself stuck in a rut, overwhelmed by the everyday, and in need of something to inspire, cut through the crap and remind me why I do what I do. 

Today, the movie Tracks did just that. 

If you are looking for a movie to inspire wanderlust, this is your film.

This incredible true adventure, tells the story of Robyn Davidson, an Australian woman who decided that she was going to walk through the desert from Alice Springs to the Indian Ocean — a trip of about 2,000 miles that would take her 6-7 months. 

It was the '70s, and sick of the repetitious life in the city and the "self-indulgent negativity" of her generation, Davidson felt this journey was her way of seeking solitude and relating to her father who had once travelled through the desert of Eastern Africa. 

The decision to act was in itself the beginning of the journey... I believe when you are stuck in one spot, it’s best to throw a grenade at where you are standing and jump.

When asked why she wanted to attempt such a crazy feat that would take her through deserted, waterless wasteland, her response was continuously, "Why not?"

It wasn't until she wrote to National Geographic and requested that they sponsor her trip, that things really got off the ground. They agreed to sponsor her, as long as a photographer would be able to check in with her at various times to document the trip.

So, on April 9, 1977, Robyn Davidson, four camels, and her dog set off walking. 

The resulting photos (taken by Rick Smolan) and article written by Davidson are an incredible example of what true adventure photo-journalism was before the advent of the Internet and social media. 

Davidson's article was so popular, that she wrote a book expanding on her incredible journey. And now, her spectacular story has been turned into this captivating film. 

Mysterious aboriginal culture, outback characters, survival instincts, real-life adventure — what more could you want in a movie?! Check out the preview below. I hope you find as much inspiration in Robyn Davidson's story as I did! 

Hostel, Riad, Tent, Or Hotel? Your Guide to The Different Places You Can Stay While Travelling

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Where do you stay when you're travelling? 

It's a question I am asked all the time, and one that doesn't always have a simple answer. Some want to know if I have a secret spot somewhere that they can try out. Some ask because they want a deal and are hoping that I know of one, and some have never really travelled before, and can't fathom not staying in a name-brand hotel, so are just curious. 

But, there is no one answer to that question, as where I stay changes every trip I take. It is based on how long I am travelling for, where I am going, how much money I have to spend, whether I am alone or with friends, and many, many more factors. 

For example, on a recent adventure, I stayed in a hostel, a hotel, a riad, a tent and a guest house — all over only 10 days!

I flew into London and knew that I wanted to stay in the city centre so I could easily walk, or take the tube, to the sights that I wanted to see. I also knew that because it was the middle of July and the most expensive time of year to travel in Europe, a hotel was not an option for me. I was travelling alone, and only spending one night in the city, so knew I would be fine with just crashing in a hostel.

I managed to get a bed in a four person female dorm (not usually my first choice) in the Piccadilly Backpackers (see image above) — located less than a block from the Piccadilly tube station and square of the same name — for 35 GBP (approx. 70 CAD). Not cheap when you look at the conversion, but still cheap for central London. The room was simple and clean. The communal showers had hot water, decent water pressure, and there was free wi-fi in the common area. It was safe, central and easy to find. The perfect crash pad. 

The next night, I needed a place to stay near Gatwick Airport, as I had a really early flight the following day. I ended up staying at the Ibis Hotel near the airport for 35GBP (approx. 70 CAD) — the same price as my centrally located hostel. What I got here, however, was a modern, clean hotel with all the amenities, my own room, TV, wi-fi, and room service. It's amazing the difference being 20 minutes out of the city will make! 

Since I started travelling when I was really young and on a shoestring budget, my first instinct is to always look for the cheapest place to sleep. But when I decided to spend a week in Morocco solo, I knew that throwing out a few extra dollars every night would get me a stunning room in a historic riad. (Plus, I am a Flashpacker now. I don't have to travel on a shoestring budget anymore!)

The view of the plunge pool from my first room at the Hotel du Tresor Riad

I found an incredible place to stay through my Lonely Planet guide (it comes in handy when booking from afar!), and made the Hotel du Tresor (highly recommended — message me if you want more info.) in Marrakesh my home base.

A traditional riad, the hotel was a series of whitewashed rooms draped in Moroccan carpets, pillows, lanterns, and art, that surrounded an internal courtyard with a plunge pool. The pool was what sold me on the place when I looked at it online because it was private, secluded and would be a must-have on +45 days. My room was 35 Euros (approx. 50 CAD) a night which included an impeccably decorated space with AC, a private bathroom, use of the pool, free breakfast, and an incredibly kind group of staffers who helped me navigate the country. 

The view from my bed in the Bedouin tent.

After a few nights in the riad, I spent one night in a Bedouin tent in the desert.

Something to note: The desert does NOT cool off at night in the heat of summer.

It was like sleeping in a sauna. There was no breeze, no AC, and the walls, floors and ceiling of the tent were draped in thick carpets making it pretty stifling. There were four of us that slept on small mattresses on the ground. The shared facilities were a three minute walk from camp and as basic as it gets (aka, a hole in the ground and a bucket with some water in it).

The night was part of a mini-tour I was on, and included dinner and breakfast. The meals and sleeping part of the tour probably works out to being about 40 CAD.

My room at the Hotel La Petite Suede in Agadir, Morocco

After the desert, I spent two nights in a guesthouse in a beach town called Agadir. The place I stayed was called the Hotel La Petite Suede and cost me 110 Dh a night (approx. 14 CAD). This got me a large, safe room with my own bathroom, and a simple breakfast of baguettes, jam and coffee in the morning. There was no AC, but there was a large window, and it was only a five minute walk to the beach.

(NOTE: I was in Morocco in the offseason and the prices I paid could be doubled, or even tripled in the high season.)  

Here are a few things to consider when you are trying to figure out where to stay:

  • Proximity. Do you want to be able to walk to all the tourist sights? Public transportation, or renting a car is not always cheap, and sometimes paying a few extra dollars to stay in the centre of a city will save you money in the long run.

  • Do you want to meet people? Then DON'T stay in a hotel. You need a hostel, or a guest house with a common area.

  • How long are you really going to spend in your room? What's the point of dropping a bunch of cash on a room you are only going to sleep in? If you aren't planning on spending much time at your hotel, then maybe you should be looking for a more standard, cheaper option.

  • What do you really need to feel safe/comfortable? Is having a TV, AC, free WiFi, or even a bathroom to yourself must haves, or are they things that you can do without? The price of rooms is often cut in half if you are willing to go with a fan instead of AC.

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